Tarium Niryutait Marine Protected Area
This webpage presents a summary of the history, purpose, conservation objectives, management and collaborative efforts [...]
This webpage presents a summary of the history, purpose, conservation objectives, management and collaborative efforts [...]
This links to the official website of the Thaidene Nёné Indigenous protected area (Northwest Territories).
This page on the Government of the Northwest Territories website lists ongoing legislative initiatives on the topic of conservation and discusses the Partnership Process involved in these legislative initiatives (which include the Protected Areas Act, the Environmental Rights Act, and the Forest Act).
This page on the Government of the Northwest Territories website discusses Conservation Network Planning - a planning network to ensure ecological connectivity.
This links to the AAROM (Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management) Hub website. It include case studies of Indigenous-led marine conservation.
This video features a panel discussion on the role of Guardian programs in biocultural monitoring and stewardship in protected areas.
This video explains the process of creating the Thaidene Nëné IPCA, National Park and Territorial Protected Area.
This video provides an overview of Thaidene Nëné, one of Canada's largest protected areas, now an IPCA.
This video highlights the significant cultural, spiritual, and harvesting places at Bistcho Lake.
This video discusses the opportunity and vision for Mbecho, an IPCA at Bistcho Lake