Indigenous Conservation Sites
The objective of this second sheet in a series of three is to support and feed the reflections of First Nations and to clarify the concept of Indigenous conservation sites.
The objective of this second sheet in a series of three is to support and feed the reflections of First Nations and to clarify the concept of Indigenous conservation sites.
This sheet is the first in a series of three which all have the objective of supporting and informing First Nations’ thinking in the establishment, management and governance of ALPAs under the Natural Heritage Conservation Act (NHCA).
This report delivers detailed information on conservation agreements to support Indigenous Governments, Nations, communities, and organizations that are negotiating, implementing, evaluating, renegotiating, or seeking to learn more about these types of conservation agreements.
A curated list of academic resources related to the colonial roots of conservation.
To explore what positive transboundary conservation efforts could be advanced in support of 30×30, a loose knit group have been facilitating transboundary dialogues that include conservation non-profits, regional and federal agency staff, Indigenous Peoples and entities, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other interested individuals.
This special edition of the Polar Knowledge Aqhaliat Report, featuring diverse content that highlights some of the latest scientific results and knowledge mobilization programming. This unique edition focuses on co-developed with community partners in the North.
Co-hosted by Nature United’s Indigenous Guardians Technical Support Team (TST) and the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership (CRP), this webinar was an exciting discussion with several speakers who work at the leading edge—operating Indigenous Guardian programs on the ground as they establish Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).
This webinar features a discussion with several speakers operating Indigenous Guardian programs on the ground as they establish IPCAs.
This video showcases three transformative initiatives of Indigenous Peoples leading successful initiatives creating a new model of conservation. These stories show how Indigenous-led conservation benefits not only local communities, but all of us.
This webpage provides an overview of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Northern Shelf Bioregion which extends from the top of Vancouver Island (Quadra Island / Bute Inlet) and reaches north to the Canada-Alaska border.