
MPA Network: Network Action Plan

2023-08-03T15:14:19-04:00Categories: IPCA Planning and Establishment, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

This webpage provides an overview of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Northern Shelf Bioregion which extends from the top of Vancouver Island (Quadra Island / Bute Inlet) and reaches north to the Canada-Alaska border.

Indigenous Sentinels Network

2023-08-03T15:11:22-04:00Categories: Biocultural Monitoring and Community-based Stewardship, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This links to the Indigenous Sentinels Network - which aims "to provide remote, Indigenous communities with tools, training, networking and convening, coordination, and capacity for ecological, environmental, and climate monitoring."

Resilient peoples + place in Southeast Alaska

2023-08-03T15:11:23-04:00Categories: International Context, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This links to the Sustainable Southeast Partnership (SSP) website - a dynamic collective uniting diverse skills and perspectives to strengthen cultural, ecological, and economic resilience across Southeast Alaska.

Our Land is Our Future

2022-06-08T12:05:25-04:00Categories: First Nation, Story, Taku River Tlingit|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

For the Taku River Tlingit, giving life to love of land means not just putting lines on a map — that’s just the beginning of the work. Protecting and loving the land means having their people as boots on the ground, looking after it and making sure it remains healthy for future generations. This is the story of the Taku River Tlingit’s visionary plan to protect their lands, and why that matters for all of us.

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