This report provides an overview of the NWT Conservation Network Gathering hosted by the GNWT’s Conservation Planning and Implementation Unit(CPIU) from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources(ENR in February 2020. The Gathering brought NWT partners in conservation planning together with people and organizations from across Canada that have experience with Indigenous-led conservation planning. The objectives of the Gathering were to: build partnerships and foster collaboration among new protected area managers, guardian programs, academia, government support staff and funders, provide a consistent knowledge base for participants on the themes of conservation financing and management planning, and, ensure meaningful participation and exchange of information and build knowledge and partnerships to strengthen the conservation network.In addition, organizers hoped to ensure equitability in participants and presenters (e.g.,gender and region) as well as empower youth to aspire to leadership and careers in conservation.The Gathering was undertaken with financial support from Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Nature Funds.