As you enter the IPCA Knowledge Basket we invite you to listen to greetings shared by Indigenous language speakers. Click to hear a greeting from the speakers below.
These audio messages were gifted to the IPCA Knowledge Basket . Please do not copy or use the recordings for other purposes without explicit consent.
If you are Indigenous and speak your language, we hope that you will contribute a greeting or thank you message. We hope to reflect the diversity of Indigenous languages spoken on what is now known as Canada.
Listen to Anishinaabe Elder Marilyn Capreol, a member of Shawanaga First Nation, describe the significance of the big dipper constellation design.
Listen to Natowaawawahkaki – Holy Walking Woman (Paulette Fox) describe the design of the IPCA Knowledge Basket and the significance of the big dipper from a Blackfoot perspective.
See What’s New
Below is a growing collection of stories and resources about Indigenous-led conservation, including community-led stories from Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).
The stories feature Indigenous voices speaking about Indigenous-led conservation initiatives in their territories. Sometimes, the stories are curated or documented by organizations that Indigenous governments have partnered with.
The stories and resources inform, inspire and celebrate.
SFU student defends thesis in home territory, brings research on Haíłzaqv language and clam gardens to her community
This story highlights how Simon Fraser University Masters' Candidate, Desiree Lawson, combined academic research with Haíɫzaqv laws, language, and community knowledge to revitalize and future-proof clam gardens.
The Deshkan Ziibi Conservation Impact Bond Project: On Conservation Finance, Decolonization, and Community-Based Participatory Research
This report introduces the Deshkan Ziibi Conservation Impact Bond (DZCIB), a new financial model aimed at funding conservation efforts and restoring ecosystems.
What makes a good carbon offset? Exploring offset project value through the Carbon Offset Evaluation Template
This toolkit explains carbon offsets, which are used to reduce emissions through different projects like reforestation and energy efficiency.
T’sou-ke Housing Solutions Lab
This video provides a brief overview of the T'sou-ke Housing Solutions Lab, a project of the IISAAK OLAM Foundation in partnership with T’Sou-ke Nation, the District of Sooke (British Columbia), and funded by Braiding Knowledges Canada
The Good Fire Podcast
This podcast discusses how Indigenous Peoples worldwide use fire as a tool for ecological health and cultural revitalization.
Nature-based Solutions: A Quick Explainer
This blog highlights the growing importance of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in addressing climate change. NbS refer to efforts that use natural processes, like protecting and restoring forests, wetlands, and other ecosystems, to mitigate climate change and support local communities.
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