Featured Story

Fort Folly First Nation: An IPCA Summer

2024-02-15T16:11:18-05:00Categories: Featured Story, Story|

 This short documentary tells the story of Amlamgog (Fort Folly) First Nation’s Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA). The story features the voices and perspectives of youth from the community who were hired for IPCA-related monitoring over the summer of 2022.

Salween Peace Park: Indigenous Conservation Governance in Southeast Asia

2024-02-15T16:14:18-05:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

At 5,485 square kilometers, Salween Peace Park is one of the largest and most complex Indigenous protected areas in the world. Nestled between the Thai and Burmese borders, the internationally acclaimed Park emerged through an Indigenous-led vision for peace amidst more than 70 years of conflict.

Inuit Co-management Led Research


This story highlights how Inuit communities are connected to caribou in a diversity of ways, including as a source of food, culture, identity, spirituality, clothing, physical health, mental and emotional well-being, and livelihoods. Written by Torngat Secretariat, the story highlights the importance of Inuit-led research for caribou conservation. (Wwritten with support from IISAAK OLAM Foundation.)

Red River Métis IPCAs


Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) are one of many initiatives the Manitoba Métis Federation is undertaking to protect species and places that are important to the Red River Métis. These are the stories of two IPCAs in the Métis homeland: Kettle Hills Blueberry Patch IPCA and Thompson Region IPCA.

Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks


In Tla-o-qui-aht Territory, the Nuu-chah-nulth teachings of iisaak have been in place for millennia to enrich life and support biodiversity for future generations. In 1984, the Tla-o-qui-aht Peoples declared the Meares Island (Wanachus-Hilthuu’is) Tribal Park as a practice of iisaak to protect the territory from rampant clearcut logging. The Nation’s entire territory is now included in four Tribal Parks.

Thaidene Nëné – Land of the Ancestors


In 2019, Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation (Łutsël K’é) designated 26,376 square kilometres (6.5 million acres) of their lands and waters including the East Arm of Tu Nedhé (Great Slave Lake) in the Northwest Territories (NWT) an Indigenous Protected Area using their own Dene laws. After more than 50 years of advocacy for the land and their rights as Indigenous people, Łutsël K’é signed agreements with national and territorial governments (Parks Canada and the Government of the NWT).

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