
Thematic Reports and Special Studies 1950-1975

2023-08-03T15:02:38-04:00Categories: Relationships, Reconciliation, and Knowledge Systems, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

A compilation of nine special studies reports written by the Qikiqtani Truth Commission, and documents the effects of government decisions on the lives of Baffin Region Inuit between 1950 to 1975. These reports can give a deeper understanding of the effects of these decisions.

QTC Final Report: Achieving Saimaqatigiingniq

2023-08-03T15:02:40-04:00Categories: Relationships, Reconciliation, and Knowledge Systems, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The report outlines the decisions, actions, and consequences that led to social and economic changes in the Baffin Region from 1950 to 1975. This report was the outcome of the 130 interviews conducted by the Qikiqtani Truth Commission in addition to an amassed a collection of historical documentation about the relationships among Nunavut Inuit and the governments.

American environmentalism’s racist roots have shaped global thinking about conservation

2023-08-03T14:59:48-04:00Categories: Colonial conservation, Resource|Tags: , , , |

This article examines how American environmentalism has racist roots against Black and Indigenous people. It discusses how these ideas have spread globally, resulting in "protecting the pristine environment" rather than focusing on supporting the local communities that have been the most effective stewards.

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