Thank you!

Our gratitude to Chief Gordon Planes of the T’Sou-ke Nation for gifting us with a paddle song to help send IPCA Knowledge Basket visitors on their travels in a good way. Chief Planes’s traditional name is HYA-QUATCHA, named after his great grandfather from Scia-new, (CHEE-A-NEW), THE SALMON PEOPLE.

Chief Planes shared the following with us:

“The paddle song words describe paddling out to sea on a journey, as we’re padding we’re asking the Creator to look after our ancestral lands until our return. We ask the Creator to look after our ancestral lands and we also ask for Big Mountain, CEK SNANET, because we believe the Creator is part of that.

CEK SNANET means (big mountain) the mountain is described as our church, a place for a people to pray and thank the creator.

CEK SNANET-SEN means (I am big mountain) my grandmother called me that when I was a little boy.”

Please note that this song was gifted to the IPCA Knowledge Basket. It is traditional knowledge that is not to be copied or used for other purposes without explicit consent from Chief Planes.

Thank you for visiting the IPCA Knowledge Basket. Our sincere gratitude to the Indigenous language speakers who shared a message of gratitude and wishes for safe travels in their languages. Click to hear a thank you message from the speakers below.

Please note these audio messages were gifted for the IPCA Knowledge Basket and are not to be copied or used for other purposes without explicit consent. 

We hope to see you back again soon. The contents of your basket will remain within your Knowledge Basket until your next visit.

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