Stories of Ethical Space in the Pathway to Canada Target 1
Stories of Ethical Space in the Pathway to Canada Target by Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This resource shares stories from former Indigenous Circle of Expert (ICE) members and federal civil servants who were a part of the Pathway to Canada Target 1 process. Together, they share stories of how they understand ethical space, and how ethical space was experienced in this process.
Ethical space is a concept that was adapted by Cree scholar Willie Ermine and Blackfoot Elder, scholar, and practitioner Dr. Reg Crowshoe. In their 2018 report, We Rise Together, the Indigenous Circle of Experts describe ethical space as “a methodology that respects the integrity of all knowledge systems and provides a venue for collaboration and advice, sharing and cross-validation (where one side validates the other’s decisions)” (pg. 6). Ethical space was brought into the ICE process by lawyer and scholar Danika Littlechild and Dr. Crowshoe.
In June 2021 a storytelling circle brought together former ICE members and federal civil servants who were involved with ICE and the Pathway to Canada Target 1 initiative. The circle reflected on their personal experiences of ethical space within the Pathway to Canada Target 1 process, including the organizational and personal commitments required to achieve ethical space. To honour the spirit of the stories shared, the discussion was illustrated in real time by Kelly Porier of White Raven Consulting.
Storytelling circle participants agreed to share audio from their stories in the hopes of cultivating greater understanding of ethical space and its transformative potential. We are grateful to everyone who shared their knowledge and experiences.
Click on the images below to hear their stories.