How an oily fish is connecting Nisg̱a’a youth to the land
This article in the Narwhal shares the story the Nisga'a Nation's traditional practice of oolichan fishing and the significance it holds for their culture and ecosystem.
This article in the Narwhal shares the story the Nisga'a Nation's traditional practice of oolichan fishing and the significance it holds for their culture and ecosystem.
This links to the Indigenous Food Systems Network. This website was developed by the Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty (WGIFS) to represent Indigenous voices in the food security movement.
This is the Asatiwisipe Aki Traditional Use Planning Area Regulation
This is the Pauingassi First Nation Traditional Use Planning Area Regulation.
This is the Pimitotah Traditional Use Planning Area Regulation. It falls under the East Side Traditional Lands Planning and Special Protected Areas Act. It sets out the planning area and land use activities permitted.