British Columbia

The Youth Perspective: A watershed victory for the Grizzly Bear Spirit

2024-06-21T11:47:50-04:00Categories: IPCAs and Indigenous-led Conservation, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

In this blog post, Trinda Cote, Indigenous Youth Ambassador for Living Lakes Canada, recounts the battle to protect Qat’muk, the sacred Jumbo Valley home to the Grizzly Bear Spirit, from the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort.

Backgrounder: Hada (Bond Sound) & Kakweikan (Thompson Sound) Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area

2024-06-21T11:14:15-04:00Categories: IPCAs and Indigenous-led Conservation, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This backgrounder provides context for the Hada and Kakweikan Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA).

Hada (Bond Sound) & Kakweikan (Thompson Sound) Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area Declaration

2024-06-21T11:09:22-04:00Categories: IPCA Planning and Establishment, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

This is the official declaration of the Hada and Kakweikan Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA)

‘From mountaintop to seafloor’: First Nation declares new 40,000-hectare protected area on B.C. coast

2024-06-21T10:48:22-04:00Categories: IPCAs and Indigenous-led Conservation, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This article from the Narwhal covers the story of Ḵwiḵwa̱sut'inux̱w Ha̱xwa’mis First Nation's declaration of the Hada and Kakweikan Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA).

Press Release: Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation declares Hada & Kakweikan Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area

2024-06-21T10:46:00-04:00Categories: IPCAs and Indigenous-led Conservation, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This press release from Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation announces the declaration of the Hada & Kakweikan (KHFN) Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA).

Mamalilikulla Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA)

2024-06-21T10:26:13-04:00Categories: IPCAs and Indigenous-led Conservation, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

This short video shares the story of Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA), declared by Mamalkulla First Nation in November of 2021. In February 2023, the marine portion of IPCA became the first marine refuge in the Northern Shelf Bioregion Marine Protected Areas Network.

Gitanyow celebrates the return of salmon as B.C. inches toward recognizing the nation’s protected area

2024-05-16T14:36:51-04:00Categories: IPCAs and Indigenous-led Conservation, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The news article from The Narwhal discusses the second anniversary celebration of the Wilp Wii [...]

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