Governance and decision-making

Is it just conservation? A typology of Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ roles in conserving biodiversity

2024-07-12T14:01:24-04:00Categories: Governance and decision-making, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This report shows that Indigenous Peoples and local communities play a key role in protecting nature. It highlights the importance of fair governance, where these communities have a say in decisions.

Indigenous peoples proven to sustain biodiversity and address climate change: Now it’s time to recognize and support this leadership

2024-06-21T13:01:30-04:00Categories: Governance and decision-making, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

This article underscores the pivotal role of Indigenous Peoples in global conservation efforts, highlighting their territories' significance in preserving the Earth's biodiversity.

We Rise Together

2023-08-04T09:25:03-04:00Categories: Governance and decision-making, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This is the foundational document in the realm of IPCAs, written by the Indigenous Circle of Experts. Key are the 28 recommendations brought forwards to facilitate and support the establishment of IPCAs across Canada.

What is Land Back? Land Governance: Past, Present, Future

2023-08-04T09:24:56-04:00Categories: Governance and decision-making, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This series of videos examines how land governance must change to recognize and uphold Indigenous rights and responsibilities and to restore nature’s once abundant ecosystems.

Landmark Agreement Appoints Coastal Guardian Watchmen with Provincial Authority

2023-08-03T15:13:05-04:00Categories: Governance and decision-making, Resource|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

This media story from Coastal First Nations covers the landmark agreement between the province of BC and First Nations to appoint Coastal Guardian Watchmen with provincial authority.

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